Crystal Incorporated will be closed to celebrate the homegoing of another member of the Crystal Incorporated family. We will reopen soon.
The Heart And Soul of Crystal Inc. Goes Home To Be With The Lord
Crystal Dawn Shead passed away Monday morning August 22, 2022. Visitation will be on Friday August 26 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. at Chattanooga Funeral Home North Chapel, 5401 Hwy 153, Hixson TN, 37343. In lieu of flowers, please send a memorial donation to your favorite Christian ministry.
Crystal Inc. will be closed. We will contact any customers with jobs in house when we return.
A Legend Goes Home

A Gospel Music Legend has gone home,. Enjoy your rest and reward, Dr. Goff. You’ve earned it! I’ll miss hearing all your wonderful stories! Sending our love, thoughts and prayers to his dear wife, Jan Buckner-Goff.
My Redeemer Lives

He Is Risen Indeed

The Ultimate Sacrifice……

Thank you, Jesus, for loving us this much.
Fear Not

Fear not, Jesus knows what you need.
Spring Is Here!

Spring is a wonderful time to enjoy this beautiful world God created!
Motivational Monday #2

It’s wonderful when Jesus takes over!
Motivational Monday #1